Pi + JS = IoT

January 9, 2017

@idcrook @idcrook

Internet of Things

“Oh, so they have internet on computers now!” ~Homer Simpson

Abbreviated as "IoT", refers to physical objects that feature an IP address and can communicate using the Internet.

Examples: Webcams, baby monitors, Weather stations, Hue light bulbs, WeMo plugs, Nest thermostat, Amazon Echo ...

Quiz Time

Question: Does anyone know what the “S” in “IoT” stands for?
Answer: Security.


MQTT is an "Internet of Things" connectivity protocol.

Originally created to monitor oil pipelines over satellite links, MQTT is now an open standard.

  • Simple, light-weight "PubSub" approach
  • Easy to implement on client side

Publish/Subscribe with Topics

MQTT Broker

In MQTT protocol, a "Broker" does the work of message routing.

For our demo, MQTT Broker is:

  • Using WebSockets
  • Running on a Raspberry Pi!

Temperature Using MQTT

rpit5 connected -> iot-demo/rpit5/connected

CPU: iot-demo/rpit5/raspi/cputemp °C

GPU: iot-demo/rpit5/raspi/gputemp °C

If MQTT streaming is:

  • working: live temperatures will be displayed above.
  • disabled: just the "topic" will be displayed, e.g.
  • iot-demo/rpit5/raspi/cputemp

Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi example of a SBC (Single Board Computer)

  • Runs complete, modern operating system
  • Low-power, low-cost form factor
  • Assortment of connectivity available

Name Price Year
Model B 3 (onboard WiFi, BT) $35 2016
Raspberry Pi Zero $5 2015
Original Model B $12 2012

Pieces of Pi

Raspberry Pi models "B+" or "2" in front of you

  • Run Raspbian (Linux) from a µSD card
    • 5 W power supply (cell-phone charger)
    • Ethernet cable
  • Can talk using onboard 40-pin header
    • We'll use some of these pins today!
    • "breadboard" makes wiring easier

Demo Outline

  1. Network and power up Pi
  2. Chart live data on webpage
  3. Wire LEDs to Pi and program

Each Pi shares data using MQTT

Demo Requirements

  • Laptop or Smartphone having
    • Wi-Fi
    • SSH client
    • Web browser
  • Can share among groups
    Each station has
  • Networked and Powered Pi
    • On "Pi Pad" mount
    • Components in bag
    • Wires / Breadboard

How to Run Client

  1. Connect to Wi-Fi (raspi-demo)
  2. Connect and power on Pi
  3. SSH into Pi <name>.local:
    username: pi password: raspberry
  4. Run ~/iot-demo/client/index.js

cd iot-demo/client
screen -R
node index.js
  ... <Ctrl-C> to quit ...

When running, view chart: http://<name>.local:3000

Client output

Let's Get This Show On The Road

SSH to Pi

username: pi   password: raspberry

Name IP Address

Live Dashboard

Live Dashboard, Served from a Pi
(MQTT + WebSockets + SVG + Javascript)

What is code doing?

index.js has a few things going on:

  • Publish data (e.g., temperature) using MQTT
  • Serve webpages with charts
  • Watch switch + control LEDs

For that last part to work, it needs to be wired up

Demo: Part 2

Wire Pi up to make a connected switch

Button and LEDs

Switch presses and LEDs are handled using onoff library.

var button = new Gpio(button_Gpio, 'in', 'both', {debounceTimeout: 20});
var redLed = new Gpio(redLed_Gpio, 'low');
var buttonPressedCount = 0;

button.watch(function (err, value) {
  if (value === 0) {
    console.log('BUTTON PRESSED!');
    // implement a toggle based on button presses
    buttonPressedCount += 1;
    if (buttonPressedCount % 2) {
      client.publish(pubRedLed, 'on', {qos: 1, retain: true});
      redLed.writeSync(1); // 1 = on, 0 = off
    } else {
      client.publish(pubRedLed, 'off', {qos: 1, retain: true});
      redLed.writeSync(0); // 1 = on, 0 = off

Wiring Hints

A mini Breadboard connects all holes in a row on each side

More Wiring Hints

An LED has a direction. Longer lead is "Positive"

Longer lead shown with a bend in diagram

Wiring Diagram w/ Debounce

Watch it light up

